Dear Faculty and Staff Supporters of Club Red:
To support our regular weekly Friday events at the Simons Center Café and avoid cancellations of unsponsored dates, we ask that you purchase a membership ($100 annual fee) in Club Red. We still expect to have high percentage of funding to come from the departments, schools, and colleges that have been Club Red’s traditional sponsors. However, in the past, any remaining unsponsored dates for Club Red events would have been canceled. We would like to avoid that, as having regular and stable schedule of these popular social events is likely to heighten faculty and staff interest and participation — people will feel comfortable just dropping by on Friday afternoons.
To ensure that all open Club Red dates offered by the venue are sponsored, we ask for your support. The purchase of a Club Red membership will help to maintain our regular events for the 2016-2017 year and beyond. Just eleven* memberships purchased @$100 means that an open date becomes a member-sponsored Club Red social event that can and will happen. Your support will make that possible!
If we get sufficient memberships to sponsor all open Friday dates, then we’ll consider adding in fringe benefits such as discounts on concert tickets, raffles for prizes, etc. We will poll our Club Red mailing list to see what types of benefits are preferred as this becomes feasible.
Our Goals
Your membership supports the larger goals of Club Red; which primarily revolve around develop a greater sense of community and boost campus morale at SBU. Club Red represents a unique opportunity to meet your colleagues from other departments across our sprawling campus in a comfortable and attractive after-hours setting. This has rarely happened because such inclusive community events are not built into campus life. Club Red is our dedicated effort to provide that type of shared experience and elevate the sense of community. If you believe as we do, that these goals are important, please support Club Red by purchasing a membership. In the long-term, your ongoing support opens up the possibility of a future investment by the university administration in a dedicated Club Red space or facility.
All funds go to Club Red events
All membership funds will go directly from our FSA account to the venue to pay catering fees for Club Red open dates and/or enhancing the larger goals of Club Red. The FSA will keep a complete and transparent record of our expenditures.
How to purchase a membership
$100 is the basic membership fee and is much appreciated. To those who wish to be even stronger supporters of Club Red, a higher level of financial support is welcomed!
Please consider your membership level:
___$100 (Basic)
___$150 (Silver)
___$200 (Gold)
___$300 and above (Diamond)
Please make checks payable to: Faculty Student Association
Mail checks to (internal zip 3350):
Jennifer Adams
Club Red Co-Chair
Melville Library
The Faculty Center S-1461
(or find either of us at a Club Red event and hand us a check!)
Thank you again for your support!
Jennifer Adams
Fred Friedberg
Club Red Committee